Converting Automatic Driving License to Manual in Abu Dhabi

Last updated on : 28 Aug 2024
3 min read

Many drivers in Abu Dhabi might consider converting their automatic driving license to a manual one to take advantage of its versatility, allowing them to drive a wider range of vehicles. The process of converting from automatic to manual driving license in Abu Dhabi has become straightforward and clear. In this article, we'll walk you through all the necessary steps and how to carry them out correctly.

Reasons for Converting from Automatic to Manual Driving License

There are several reasons why you might want to switch from an automatic to a manual driving license, such as

  • Driving a wider range of cars: Manual transmission cars are often more widely available. If you plan to rent a car or travel to certain countries, a manual driving license may be necessary.

  • Better vehicle control: Some argue that driving a manual car provides better control and a greater awareness of the vehicle's condition and the road.

  • Enhanced driving experience: Some drivers find manual transmission cars more enjoyable to drive, offering a stronger sense of interaction with the vehicle.

Steps to Convert from Automatic to Manual Driving License

  1. Schedule a road test appointment: The first step is to book a practical driving test for a manual transmission car. You can do this through the Abu Dhabi Police website or one of its customer service centers.

  2. Training (optional): While lessons and training are not mandatory, it's advisable to take some lessons to get used to driving manual cars. This will increase your chances of passing the test on the first attempt.

  3. Pass the road test: On the scheduled date for the driving test, you'll need to demonstrate your skills in driving a manual transmission car. The test includes typical driving tasks such as starting, stopping, lane changes, as well as specific skills for manual cars.

  4. Receive your new license: Upon successfully passing the test, your current driving license will be amended to allow you to drive both automatic and manual vehicles. You can collect your new license after paying the modification fees.

Required Documents

  • Driving license

  • Emirati ID

Conditions and Requirements for Converting from Automatic to Manual Driving License

  • Possession of a valid automatic driving license.

  • Passing the driving test for manual transmission cars.

  • Payment of fees.

Tips for Passing the Manual Driving Test

Here are some tips that may help you pass the manual transmission driving test

  • Proper preparation: Ensure you practice enough and build confidence before the test date.

  • Focus on manual driving basics: Focus on skills like smoothly shifting gears, clutch control, and coordinating them with the accelerator.

  • Stay calm and alert: Maintain your composure during the test and follow the examiner's instructions carefully.


Converting from automatic to manual driving license in Abu Dhabi is a straightforward process. With proper preparation and confidence during the test, you can obtain the manual license and enjoy its multiple benefits in no time.

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